Samoa Solidarity International Group. - SSIG Global is now under new Governance, and direction. Following the resignation of the former President on Saturday 24 February, 2018, a new President for SSIG was immediately voted into office Tuesday 27 February, 2018. Namulauulu Albert Ainu’u was unanimously elected into SSIG Presidency role. As one of the founding members of the SSIG organisation, Namulauulu Albert Ainu’u brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience at Governance level. He also has ancestral ties to Lauaki Namulauulu Mamoe who was the architect of the Mau a Pule movement. He knows what is required to lead SSIG GLOBAL to its stated goals.
SSIG changed its name to SSIG GLOBAL and aims to ensure the fulfilment of its Vision and Mission statements.
SSIG GLOBAL Executive Members:
President : Namulauulu Albert Ainu’u (USA)
Vice President : Manufui Nielsen Petersen (NZ)
Secretary : Tupa'i Marchetta Sanft-Levy (NZ)
Asst Secretary : Oscar Nao (Japan)
Treasurer : Lilomaiava Solomona Ulu (Australia)
Legal Counsel : Finai Bernie Ah Voa (NZ)
The Delegates from each nation in the Executive Board are as follows:
SAMOA : Vui Masinamua,
NEW ZEALAND : Manufui Nielsen Petersen, Tupai Marchetta Sanft-Levy, Tiavaasue Tuilimu
AUSTRALIA : Savea Levale Sio, Victoria Lana Sanft, Lilomaiava Solomona Ulu
USA : Tuilaepa Faafetai Su'a, Salamasina Magalei, Namulauulu Albert Ainuu
JAPAN : Oscar Nao
SAMOA SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL GROUP (SSIG) GLOBAL is an international nongovernmental organisation. We are an international affiliated bodies made up of patriotic Samoans worldwide standing in solidarity and in unison on a global stage.
The organization was established in October 2017 by a collective group of ex patriates and Samoans namely; Maua Faleauto, Obededum Tuloto Unasa, Namulaulu Albert Ainu’u, and Unasa Iuni Sapolu
At its founding, SSIG had 4 member states of operation namely; Samoa, New Zealand, Australia and United States of America. Since its inception, there are now 5, most recent addition, Japan. The headquarters of SSIG is registered in Seattle USA. The organization financial funding is mainly from voluntary contributions from its members and donations.
1. To change the government of the HRPP which has been in power for over 30 years and in its current state is operating as a Dictatorship under the guise of Democracy. Tuilaepa Malielegaoi is the Prime Minister however, he has usurped the power of the people and taken it upon himself to consolidate all police powers under himself as Minister of Police as well as his office as Prime Minister controls the Attorney General and the Judicial Department which oversees the Courts. This has allowed the Prime Minister to attack any and all who he feels are against him or his government's policies. The majority held by the HRPP for 30 years has definitely corroded some of the most sacred protections under the Samoa Constitution and we as SSIG Global are determined to change the leadership through the electoral process in 2021. This is the only way we can guarantee the repeal of laws such as LTRA 2008 which is a threat to our ownership of Customary lands as protected under the constitution and the Criminal Libel Law which was reinstituted to silence the voices of opposition against this Prime Minister and the HRPP Party.
2. Continual education, encouraging awareness concerning Native, Human and Citizens Rights in Samoa.
3. That all Samoans will be given the right to vote in government elections whether one resides in Samoa or abroad.
4. That abuses of the electoral system will not be tolerated to unfairly give one Party an advantage in elections.
SSIG Global's objectives is to maintain, protect, promote and enhance Samoa’s unique Customs, Culture and Traditions on a global stage. SSIG Global also advocates for international peace, security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine and natural disasters in Samoa.
Ole Sosaiete Samoa Soofaatasi ile Lalolagi Atoa ua faaigoaina nei ole SSIG Global ua i lalo ose pulega fou faapea ma se faasinomaga fou. Ina ua faamavae le Peresitene mai lona tofiga ile aso 24 o Fepuari, 2018 sa toe faia ai se iloiloga ma se sa'iliga mo se ta'ita'i fou ole SSIG ma sa palotaina ai ile aso 27 o Fepuari, 2018 ma ua tula'i mai ai Namulauulu Alapati Ainuu ile tulaga ole Peresitene ole SSIG Global. O ia se tasi o Tamālii iloga i le faavaeina mai o lenei Au'aunaga. Ua ia te ia le atamai ma le malamalama na te faafoeina ai le sosaiete. Ose tasi o suli ole aiga o Lauaki Namulauulu Mamoe sa ta'ita'ia le Mau a Pule.
Peita'i ane, ua faafuase'ia mai le faamavae mai a le Afioga ile Peresitene ona oni tulaga le maalofia. Ua a'e ai se Tofa i le Mamalu i le Komiti Faafoe ina ia toe faia se palota faavavevave e sa'ili ai se Sui Agavaa e tau'aveina i lea Tofiga Taua o le Faalapotopotoga a le Samoa Soofaatasi o le Lalolagi poo le SSIG Global ae maise ona olea ua toe faasaga tonu lava le faamoemoe o le sosaiete ile pogai na alai ona sapasapaia e le to'atele ole atunuu i lona amata mai.
President : Namulauulu Albert Ainu’u (USA)
Vice President : Manufui Nielsen Petersen (NZ)
Secretary : Tupai Marchetta Sanft-Levy (NZ)
Asst Secretary : Oscar Nao (Japan)
Treasurer : Lilomaiava Solomona Ulu (Australia)
Legal Counsel: Finai Bernie Ah Voa
SAMOA : Vui Masinamua,
NEW ZEALAND : Manufui Nielsen Petersen, Tupai Marchetta Sanft-Levy, Tiavaasue Tuilimu
AUSTRALIA : Savea Levale Sio, Victoria Lana Sanft, Lilomaiava Solomona Ulu
USA : Tuilaepa Faafetai Sua, Saloamasina Magalei, Namulauulu Alapati Ainu’u,
JAPAN : Oscar Nao
Ole Sosaiete Samoa Soofaatasi ile Lalolagi Atoa o se faalapotopotoga ua aofia ai atunuu eseese ile lalolagi o loo afifio ai le toatele ole mamalu o Samoa. Ua tofusia le atunuu ma le latou pulega faaleatunuu e pulea ma faafoeina galuega i totonu o a latou lava atunuu. E le feaiaa'i nei pulega o loo ua tuto'atasi lava le atunuu ia ma le latou pulega ae o loo ua iai se ioega ile va o atunuu nei e fa (4) latou te galulue faatasi ma soosoo tau'au i fuafuaga oloo faamoemoeina e SSIG Global.
Ile masina o Oketopa, 2017 sa faavaeina ai lenei sosaiete e nisi o alo a Samoa mai atunuu e fa (4), O Samoa, USA, New Zealand ma Australia. Ua iai nei se faaopoopoga ona o loo ua auai mai nei ma Samoa i Iapani (japan) ile faalapotopotoga. Ole nofoaga autu ole SSIG o le USA ona e puipuia mai se faalavelave mai le Malo o Samoa. O alaga tupe oloo faaogaina nei ele SSIG Global o tupe e auina mai i le foa'i alofa mai tagata Samoa i itu e fa ole lalolagi.
1. Election of 2021
Ole a faia se palota ile 2021 mo le faiga malo i Samoa. Ole faamoemoe ole SSIG Global ina mafai ona latou suia lea faiga malo ma aveeseina ai le HRPP ae sui atu nisi ta'ita'i fou ua sili atu le latou alolofa ma le fai mea lelei, latou te faafoeina le Malo a Samoa. O le pau lea ole auala e mafai ai ona suia tulafono le fetaui oloo ua iai nei ole LTRA 2008 ma le Criminal Libel Law. Ole aga'i atu i lea palota ole a fesoasoani le SSIG Global i vaega uma oloo fia tauva atu ile palota e faasga tau atu ile HRPP.
2. Ia Faalauteleina le Malamalama i tagata Samoa
Ole malamalama ole malosi fo'i lea. Ole a faia e le SSIG Global nisi o faatasiga i nuu ma alalafaga i Samoa faapea ma atunuu eseese oloo afifio ai le pa'ia ma le mamalu ole atunuu mo le faamatalaina ma le faapupulaina atu o mataupu eseese e iai le tulafono ole LTRA 2008 ma nisi o tulaga ua tatau ona nofo silafia iai le mamalu ole atunuu ae maise ile va fealoa'i ile pulega o le Malo o Samoa ma ai a tagata Samoa latou te fesiligia ai pe tetee atu fo'i i fuafuaga a le Malo a Samoa, pe a le talafeagai.
3. Ia maua uma e tagata Samoa le avanoa e palota ai
Ua tatau ona ave le avanoa i tagata Samoa uma latou te palota ai mo le tofia o sui ole Malo o Samoa e aofia ai ma i latou oloo afifio i atunuu mamao.
4. Ia faatapulaaina faiga faa'au'au pe le amiotonu I faiga Palota e ono faafaigata ai I se itu agai ona tula'i mai.
Ole SSIG Global ua tu mai ina ia faamautuina, puipuia, faalauteleina atu, ma faamalosia le aganuu ma tu faaSamoa ina ia silafia ai e le lalolagi. Ole SSIG Global oloo tu malosi mo le filemu ma puipuia o ai a tatau tuma'oti a tagata uma, ina ia faaleleia le soifuaga o tagata Samoa e ala lea i fesoota'iga ma galuega fai, ina ia faasaogalemuina le tatou si'osi'omaga ma ia faia fesoasoani mo i latou o loo afaina ile mativa ma faigata e afua mai i faalavelave tutupu faa natura.